Title: A Hero's Tale Author: skeddy_kat Rating: G Summary: In a distant future, a storyteller spins a tale. Listen carefully and you may recognize some of those she tells of.
Title: Oceans Over The Horizon Author: elenariel Rating: PG (gen) Words: 479 Spoilers: None Summary: The scientists are arguing over a legend; John explains to Teyla and Ronon. A/N: Mild crack, I know, but this crossover was always going to be like that.
Title: Diplomatic Relations and the Right of Return: Prologue Author: rattlecatcherRating: Er… PG-13? (Language, eh, the kids hear worse on television, right
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-title- When Summer's End Is Nighing -author- Sophonisba (saphanibaal) -warnings- AU. Some foul language. Bits of poems. Prequel to my story "Lead Casket." -characters- Sheppard -disclaimer- The title is from a poem by A. E. Housman; two other of his poems are quoted in the text. -word count- 1255 -summary- AU tag for "Rising"; morning-after thoughts.
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TITLE: Lost in Translation FANDOM: Stargate Atlantis LENGTH/RAITINGS: 180 words/24 lines (poem), PG WARNINGS/SPOILERS: None SUMMARY: (I blame my Silly!Muse for this one.) GT1 runs into a bit of a problem when it appeals to an unknown village for help.
-title- Iron -author- Sophonisba (saphanibaal) -warnings- Gen. -characters- Elizabeth, Stackhouse, Markham, OMC -disclaimer- Stargate: Atlantis belongs to several people and corporations, none of which am I associated with. -word count- 413 -summary- Post-mission reports in the Pegasus Galaxy are often indistinguishable from fireside tales.
“You’re lying,” says Igraine, and her voice is level but her face is bone white and her eyes are fury-dark and Myrddin is quite, quite, sure that, if they were not seated in what passes for a receiving room in this house she has got for herself with a slave she has acquired as chaperon, his cousin would be choking the life out of him with her long
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-title- Peaches -author- Sophonisba (saphanibaal) -warnings- Gen. Casual and gory death of people nobody cares much about. Crack. -characters- O'Neill, Elizabeth, AR-1, Wraith -disclaimer- So not mine it's not even funny. -word count- 2191 -summary- Momotarou.
-title- The Power of Science Fiction (cut scene from " Miko to Kuma to Sennin") -author- Sophonisba (saphanibaal) -warnings- Gen. -characters- Miko, Rodney, Kavanagh, Zelenka -disclaimer- Characters from Stargate: Atlantis; plot gleefully and gloriously borrowed from P. G. Wodehouse's "The Clicking of Cuthbert." -word count- 668 -summary- "For instance, in a
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